Workshops & Exams
Prescription Pruning Qualification (PPQ) (April 7-9)
Tree Risk Assessment Qualification Course (TRAQ) (April 7-9)
ISA Certified Tree Climber Prep Course (April 8-9)
Illustrations in Tree Case Law (April 9)
ISA Certification Exams (April 9)
Prescription Pruning Qualification (PPQ)
Monday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 9
Presenters: Dr. Ed Gilman and Dr. Lindsey Purcell
The goals of this course are to improve communication between prescriber, production arborist, and tree owner and increase clarity when preparing work orders.
PPQ is designed for both the Prescriber and the Producer. The Prescriber, an ISA Certified Arborist, and will attend the full course. The Producer. who would attend Day 1, is an arborist working in the trees or anyone seeking an organized approached to pruning.
Day 1 - Monday, April 7
7:45 am - 5:00 pm ~ For the Prescriber and the Producer (Lunch included)
Introduction to PPQ
Tree Architecture; Pruning Cuts
Guiding Urban Compatible Tree Architecture
Day 2 - Tuesday, April 8
7:45 am - 5:00 pm ~ For the Prescriber (Lunch included)
Topics & Activities*:
Prescription Approach to Pruning
Preparing Prescriptions
Outside Exercises
Managing Architecture on Mature Trees
Day 3 - Wednesday, April 9
7:45 am - 12:30 pm ~ For the Prescriber
Topics & Activities*:
Review Session and Discussion
*Topics and activities are tentative and subject to change.
Full Course for Prescriber Early Rate (by March 14) Standard Rate
Southern Chapter Member $ 700 $ 750
Standard Full Course Fee $ 800 $ 850
Day 1 Introduction for Producer Early Rate (by March 14) Standard Rate
Southern Chapter Member $ 250 $ 300
Standard Full Course Fee $ 350 $ 400
Tree Risk Assessment Qualification Course (TRAQ)
Monday, April 7 - Wednesday, April 9
The TRAQ course and credential provide an opportunity for professionals in the arboriculture industry to expand their knowledge through education and training in the fundamentals of tree risk assessment. This qualification promotes the safety of people and property by providing a standardized and systematic process for assessing tree risk. The results of a tree risk assessment can provide tree owners and risk managers with the information to make informed decisions to enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.
If you are interested in becoming TRAQ qualified, please some time to read the “ISA TRAQ Application Guide” and the course description.
The Application Guide, course description, and registration is available at
Registration Deadline: March 7
Illustrations in Tree Case Law
Wednesday, April 9, 12:30 - 4:00 pm
Presenter: James Komen, Consulting Arborist, Class One Arboriculture
Several specific regional tree cases will be discussed that include engaging the attendees in discussions about thier opinions of potential outcomes. Then the appropriate case law will be presented and the case outcome. This workshop will be an engaging hands on approach to learning about trees and the law!
Southern Chapter Members @ $250
Standard Fee @ $300
Student @ $25
ISA Certified Tree Climber Prep Course
Tuesday, April 8 - Wednesday, April 9
The purpose of the 1.5-day course is to prepare for the ISA Certified Tree Climber written exam. To take the written exam, the attendee must complete the application process. See details below.
The ISA Certified Tree Climber program is the only global, industry-wide climber certification that test the knowledge and skills against internationally-accepted standard related to skill and safe work practices. The certification has two steps: the written exam and the skills-based outdoor practicum. To learn about the Tree Climber Credential, review the ISA Program Guide.
Southern Chapter Members @ $250
Standard Fee @ $300
WRITTEN EXAM (Exam requires separate registration and fee.)
The paper-based exam will be given on Wednesday, April 9, in the afternoon. There is a separate registration and fee to take the written exam. Deadline to register for the exam is March 17, 2025. Link to register will be available soon.
The chapter will have a Climbing Skills Station at the Tree Climbing Competition, April 5-6, for those who need to recertify their existing tree climber credential or to complete the skills portion of the ISA Tree Climber exam.
Climber must complete a separate application process and be approved by ISA to take the exams. Apply Now!
ISA Certification Exams
Wednesday, April 9, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Paper-based exams for various ISA certifications will be offered during this testing session. Deadline to register for your exam is March 17, 2025. Link to register will be available soon.